Angel Darling Is she submissive? Yes she certainly has a submissive streak. Seminlgly mostly to women, but definitly understands the feelings and motivations of the submissive state of mind and the ability to "float". Is she dominant" Yes. She is pretty much a sadist. To men and to women. She has that down pat. She is very much into torture. You better watch out guys. My philoshy is to tie her up quick before she gets the chance to get to you because you will regret it. Well if you are submissive you might love it. But for me, I have to tie her up first cause no way am I letting her get her hands on me. un uh !!. Is she kinky ? Hell Yes !! They don't come much kinkier. I guess what I am trying to say is that this beauty is for real. Very real. very very very real. she lives eats and breaths kink. It brings a constant smile to her face just thinking about kink. You will see |